Posts tagged 'Wastewater'

Suspended solids
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What is Suspended Solids?

What is Suspended Solids? [caption id="attachment_2055" align="alignleft" width="313"] Suspended solids[/caption] Suspended solids refers to small solid particles which remain in suspension in water. It is used as one indicator of water quality, typically for wastewater applications and is used as part of the Charging system for trade effluent in the UK using the Mogden formula. It is ...
Hach DR900
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What vials and sample cells are compatible with my Hach DR900?

The DR900 by Hach is a robust, portable colorimeter, capable of performing many dozens of different tests, supporting the Hach chemistry type. It can accept a number of different sizes cuvettes/samples cells – 1 inch round sample cells 1cm sample cells 16mm COD/TNT vials [caption id="attachment_15641" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Hach DR900 colorimeter[/caption] Every Hach method c...

PhotoLab 7600 spec by WTW
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Where can the WTW reagent free COD method be used? How does reagent free COD compare to standard methods?

WTW has developed an innovative reagent free system to measure COD, Nitrate and Nitrite without the need for vials. The OptRF system is built in to some of their spectrophotometers, and provides calculation of the results based only on absorbances in the UV wavelength range. However, this system is only applicable to some samples and should be evaluated before changing from traditional CO...
Filtering water samples
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Which filters are best to prepare samples for heavy metals analysis?

Filtering water samples before ICP-MS or HPLC analysis for heavy metals testing is good practice - to help protect these delicate instruments from damage caused by larger particles. However some filters can introduce interferences which may affect the results - so what type of filter is best for heavy metals analyses? Why filter samples? Samples taken in the field are often high in...
2100Q Turbidity Meter
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Why is silicone oil important in turbidity meter measurements?

Q: Our turbidity meter comes supplied with a bottle of silicone oil. What is this for? Why is it important in the test? [caption id="attachment_11631" align="aligncenter" width="163"] Silicone oil is often supplied with turbidity meters, but what is it used for, and why is it important to the test?[/caption] A: The silicone oil is used to ensure the glass vial used in the turbidity me...
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Which Hach benchtop turbidity meter should I choose? What's the difference between TU5 and TL23 Turbidity meters?

Q: I am looking for a new benchtop turbidity meter, but Hach offer two versions - the TL23 series and the TU5 series. Which turbidity meter should I choose? What is the difference between the TU5 and TL23 models? A: There are many differences between the two ranges, as explored below; Overview TL23 Series - for a wider range of applications, a lower cost option using traditio...
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Hach 2100N and 2100AN Turbidimeters replaced by new TL23 series

The popular 2100N and 2100AN series of turbidimeters (turbidity meters) are being phased out and discontinued. They are replaced by the new TL23 series which offers some great additional features - we've taken a look at what the TL23 series offers over the 2100 series. [caption id="attachment_10963" align="aligncenter" width="672"] The 2100 series turbidimeters are being replaced by the n...
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Can I use a moisture balance for suspended solids analysis?

Suspended solids is widely used as an indicator of water purity, particularly in discharge consent. When testing by the full gravimetric method, a balance, oven and desiccator are required to thoroughly dry the isolated solids until a constant weight is found. (For more details on this, see our previous post about the difference between gravimetric testing and other methods.) It may be te...

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Did you know the BD600 BOD system is mercury free?

The new BD600 BOD measurement system from Lovibond replaced their Oxidirect system in 2015 and has proved to be a popular tool amongst users with it's handy remote control and built in graph features. But did you know that the system is also mercury free? [caption id="attachment_6963" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The new BD600 BOD system from Lovibond[/caption] The modern integral ...

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What is the difference between standard and Mercury Free COD vials? Can I switch to Mercury Free vials?

COD tests are vital in many industries for the monitoring of effluent and discharge consent. The most common test method involves using COD vials - sample is pipetted into the vial where it mixes with the reagents already present in the vial. This is then reacted at high temperatures, producing a colour change. This colour change is analysed in a colorimeter, which reads out the result of CO...

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How do I measure suspended solids? How is the gravimetric method different to other methods?

The measurement of Suspended Solids is often required for discharge consent, and values may be reported to the Environment Agency (EA). [caption id="attachment_8215" align="aligncenter" width="200"] Suspended solids give water a cloudy appearance[/caption] There are several methods for testing the suspended solids present in a water sample, here we discuss the differences between the differen...

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How should I clean a Hach Pour Thru cell?

Q: How should I clean my Hach PourThru (pour through) cell? [caption id="attachment_8081" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The LZV899 Pour Thru cell kit for Hach tests[/caption] Pour Thru cells are used in some Hach tests for fast testing without the need for individual glass sample cells. The solution to be analysed is delivered to the cell by a funnel and tubing setup, and then flows out ...

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