How can I measure Salt in food?

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How can I measure Salt in food?

Sodium is a mineral required by the body for normal functions, but excessive intake can cause high blood pressure and hypertension. This has lead governments and regulatory bodies to focus on monitoring the levels of salt in foods in order to reduce the risk of these health affects.

Canned foods are of particular concern as these often contain relatively high levels of salt.

The Horiba LaquaTwin Sodium meter can be used to determine the salt level of these products – see the video and short method below to see just how simple the testing is  while liquids, like soup, or moist solids, like fresh meat, can be measured by placing directly onto the sensor, solid foods need to be processed first. This is to ensure there is enough moisture present for the sensor to detect a reading.

Method for testing Salt levels of canned foods with the LaquaTwin Sodium meter;

  1. The canned food should be liquified (if it is solid) by blending
  2. Add 1g of the sample to 4g of water
  3. Shake the mixture in a sealed container for 1 minute (any small container will do, these 5ml prep tubes would be a great low cost, disposable option to prevent cross contamination between samples)
  4. Extract a small sample of the liquid using a pipette
  5. Place this liquid on the sensor and take a reading. Rinse the sensor and pat dry gently with a paper tissue between samples or after testing.

The LaquaTwin is small and compact, ideal for on site testing, and comes with calibration solutions included so everything you need to test is in one handy case.

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