Posts tagged 'DPD1'

Measuring Chlorine in a Swimming Pool or Hot Tub
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Measuring Chlorine in a Swimming Pool or Hot Tub

Chlorine is the most popular disinfectant used in swimming pools throughout the UK. The level of chlorine is dependent on your requirements and procedures laid down in your Pool Technical Operating Procedure (PTOP). Once set, the chlorine level should be tested regularly and again, this should be specified in the PTOP but as a guideline, a minimum of three times a day would be recommended. ...
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What's the difference between free and total chlorine?

Most methods of measuring chlorine in water refer to free and total chlorine, but what exactly do these mean and what is the difference?  Measuring Chlorine with a Pocket Colorimeter The element Chlorine exists as a gas Cl2, when this is mixed with water it forms hypochlorous acid (HOCl) which is the disinfecting agen...

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