250mm desiccator with a 24/29 joint, which is used for storing moisture-sensitive samples and to dry moist products.
Separated by a sieve plate, a drying agent is placed in the lower part of the desiccator base, which binds the moisture of the substance to be dried, placed on the sieve plate. To accelerate the drying process a vacuum can be connected, as the liquid evaporates faster due to a lower pressure in the desiccator. The vacuum is applied via a shut-off valvue connection. To facilitate loosening of the lid, the surface grinding of the desiccator must be well greased, since after the evacuation the lid is pressed onto the lower part of the desiccator. Duran desiccators are vacuum-resistant
Product code | 247826605 |
Tubulature (NS) | 24/29 |
h (mm) | 344 |
Capacity (mL) | 10500 |
DN | 250 |
ID flange (mm) | 274 |
Flange OD (mm) | 320±2 |
Nominal size (NS) | 24/29 |
Autoclavable | Yes |
The measurement of Suspended Solids is often required for discharge consent, and values may be reported to the Environment Agency (EA). [caption id="attachment_8215" align="aligncenter" width="200"] Suspended solids give water a cloudy appearance[/caption] There are several methods for testing the suspended solids present in a water sample, here we discuss the differences between the differen...
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